overnight oats

Easy Overnight Oats

These Easy Overnight Oats are absolutely delicious.

They're perfect to take to school, or to work, or whatevs! 

I was skeptical about the whole overnight oat craze, but once I tried them, I was hooked.

We bring these with us EVERY single time we go camping too!

They're just the best.

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(makes 1 serving)


- 1/2 c. oats

- 1 - 2 tbsp. chia seeds

- 3 chopped dates

- 1 tbsp. raisins

- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

- 1 - 1 1/2 c. of your fave non-dairy milk

Easy Cashew Milk

Homemade Almond Milk


1. Put all of the ingredients into a jar (or whatever you're going to store it in) and pop the lid on.

2. Shake the shit out of it until everything is mixed well. 

3. Place in the fridge for at least a few hours (overnight is best - hence the name 'Overnight Oats' hehe). 

4. Top the oats with your fave toppings (I love banana and walnut) and eat it!


xo Kristen